Friday, September 12, 2008

The Call

I don't understand. Is it me? Have I not been clear about this? How many times do I have to repeat that I am not into politics? What is it about me or my writings that could rock "their" boat? I am simply a middle class Egyptian girl, who wants to see Egypt a better place. Whether I am talking about relationships and their mess, taboos and their backwardness, society and its hypocrisy, men and their mazes, women and their shortcomings, people and their ignorance, streets and their hazards, or laws and their utter lack of sense - I am talking about the same thing ... I am talking about Egypt.

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Dear MAN ... I left you

Dear MAN

A fond farewell is due
for I am leaving you.
This time I know it is not about my temper
or my flighty untamable nature.
I know I was good;
I was caring and loving.
I fought my demons;
but a real man you were not.
Instead of the knight in shining armor,
just another jockey I got.
Here I am and there you are,
miles and miles of feelings apart.
I no longer dwell in your heart,
and you no longer have a place in mine.

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