what’s the point of choosing sides when both sides are losing? The realHaaretz reported that Israel is recruiting an army of bloggers' to combat anti-Zionist Web sites and YNET said
challenge when it comes to the Middle East is to sit on the fence and to
understand that as with most chapters of this interminable conflict, civilians
pay the most expensive price.
But the war does not want to end! Anger, rage,
and hatred are the best fuel for a war that could last forever.
The ministry was amazed by the massive response to the effort. More than 1,000 interested applicants contacted them, of which 350 are Russian speakers, 250 English speakers, 150 Spanish speakers, 100 French speakers, and 50 GermanNawara Negm is a young Egyptian blogger who has an unprecedented online presence. On her blog, she called on other multilingual bloggers to face the sons of Zion. Attracting more than 120 comments on the first day of this post, she wrote:
speakers. A range of other European languages are also represented among the volunteers: Portuguese, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, Romanian, Hungarian, Polish, Greek, Bulgarian, and Danish. Persian-, Turkish-, and Arabic-speaking Jews also offered their services. The ministry even got an application from a Chinese speaker. Some 60% of the applicants are immigrants, old and new. The rest are Jews living in the Diaspora, Israelis living abroad, and even non-Jews who support Israel and want to help out.
احنا نبتدي حاجة واحدة الاول، عايزين نعمل مدونة مشتركة، هدفها التصدي لجيش المدونين الصهاينةبصوا بقىطبعا ممكن يبقى هدفها خدمة القضية الفلسطينية، بس بصراحة بقى انا بعد اللي حصل ده، انا مش عايزة اخدم القضية الفلسطينية، انا اللي عايزاه دلوقت ان اسرائيل ما تبقاش موجودة، خالص، مش عايزاها في الدنيا خالص، وانا شايفة انه ممكن جدا، اساسا هي جات لنا منين زفتة دي؟ وبقالها ستين سنة بس، ولسة بقالها ستين سنة وبتعمل كده في الناسلا يمكن باي حال من الاحوال اسرائيل دي تستمر خالص، انا مش عايزاها، مش عشان فلسطين ولا عشان الفلسطينيين ياخي بلاش الفلسطينيين اللي واقفين في زور العالم بالعرض من غير سبب دول، بس عشان الانسانية، تخيل انها لا قدر الله مشيت بالمعدل ده وخلصت على الفلسطينيين، ح تعمل ايه في بقية الانسانية، دي عمالة تتوحش وتتغول كل مدى، انا مش عايزاها خالص ابدا بعد كده، كفاية انها كرهت الناس في بعضما طول عمر الدنيا فيها اديان مختلفة وكانوا عايشين مع بعض، وكان بيبقى فيه حروب دينية وحروب مصالح بس مافيش كده ابدا، دي اسوأ من النازي والله العظيم، لانها رد فعل مرضي للنازية، ودايما رد الفعل المرضي بيبقى اسوأ من الفعل مهما كان الفعل سيء، دي اسوأ ما عرفته الانسانية كلها
Let's take it one step at a time; we want to create a joint blog to enable us to face the "Zionist army of bloggers". Of course it could serve the Palestinian cause but right now this is not my top priority for after what happened [in Gaza] I do not want to support the cause. I just want Israel to vanish off the face of the universe ... who are they and where did they come from? In only 60 years, this entity has to end ... not for the sake of Palestinians, who are now a thorn in the world's throat, but for the sake of humanity altogether. What else is on their agenda after Palestine? Who else will they eradicate? Since the beginning of creation, people managed to co-exist regardless of their religious differences ... yes there were wars and power struggles but nothing resembles this; they are the sick reaction to Nazism .. it is the worst known to humanity.
اول حاجة: محتاجين اكتر من لغة، غير الانجليزي والعربي، كان فيه واحدة دخلت لي وقالت لي انا فرنساوي، طيب عايزين لغات كمانتاني حاجة: عايزين نركز على حاجة حاجة، يعني الجريمة الاخيرة دي، انا عارفة ان اسرائيل جرايمها كتير، واحنا محتاجين نركز على الجريمة الاخيرة، بس مش كأنها اول مرة تحصل، لازم نوصل للعالم ان هي دي طريقتها طول عمرها وان احنا مطلبنا تقديم القيادات العسكرية والسياسية للمحاكمة، واحدة واحدة، نمسك حاجة حاجةتالت حاجة: عايزين صور وفيديوهات كتير، االمشكلة في عرض القضية الفلسطينية من اول النكبة ان بيبقى فيها وثائق طويلة ومكتوبة، عايزين شرح للقضية الفلسطينية من اولها بفيديوهات وصور بعدة لغات وبشكل مكثف من غير ما نزهق الناس برغينا، واضح ان ماحدش مقتنع بينا عشان احنا رغايين وللا ايهخلينا نكون حسني الظن ونقول انهم مش مقتنعين عشان احنا رغايين وما نقولش انهم مش لاقيين حد يضطهدوه غيرنارابع حاجة بقى: احنا عايزين نطالب الامم المتحدة تطلع قانون لحماية العرب والمسلمين من الاسلاموفوبيا والعربوفوبيا لان كده بقى ما ينفعش فعلا التهزيء اللي احنا فيه، ولما نتهزأ ونزعل يتريقوا علينا، طب اللي بيتعمل فينا ماحدش يقدر يعمله في الصهاينة ابداخامس حاجة: انا ليا صحاب امريكان بيقولوا لي ان احد اسباب كراهية العرب انهم بيدرسوا في التاريخ الحملات الصليبيةشوف البجاحة يا اخي، شوف البجاحة يا اخي، ييجوا يحتلونا ويطلعونا احنا اللي وحشين كمان، وده بيخلي اسقاط كل الكراهية على العرب سهل، اولا لانهم بعيد، ثانيا لان يمكن استلهام الكراهية من التاريخ، لما سألتهم طب هو انتوا لازم تكرهوا حد؟ قالوا لي اه!!! لازم يبقى فيه عدو نسقط عليه كل الكراهية عشان ده بيبقى محفز كويس للشغل وشحذ الهمم والنشاط الخارجي والداخلي(للتوضيح رجاء قراءة كتاب الامير لمكيافيللي)لا معلش يشوفوا لهم حد يكرهوه غيرنا احنا اخدنا نصيبناالنقطة دي لازم تتوضحسادس حاجة: احنا مش ننتقد الناس ونعمل زيهمبشكل اوضح، انا مش عايزة احفاد القردة والخنازير والكلام المهبب ده، اردوغان كان ذكي جدا لما قال اجدادي العثمانيين احتضنوا اليهود لما كانوا بيعانوا من الاضطهاد، والحقيقة التاريخ بيقول ان اليهود المواطنين طول فترة الحضارة العربية كانوا مدلعين اخر دلع، اكتر من المسيحيين بكتير (هههههه يا عيني المسيحيين) وانا عندي وثائق تاريخية بكده، ودراسات تاريخية عاملها الباحثين اليهود نفسهم، وفي مؤتمر المخطوطات كان فيه باحث يهودي قدم بحث رائع بيوثق بالمخطوطات ان مكانة اليهود في ظل الحضارة العربية كانت اخر دلع وهشتكة وده لانهم كانوا عددهم قليل واهتماماتهم كلها منصبة على التجارة والعلوم وما كانش لهم اطماع سياسية فكان دايما الخليفة يدلعهم ويقربهمبالمختصر، انا مش عايزة عنصرية، ومش عايزة نكرر غلطة الصهيونية، هم يعملوا رد فعل للناز واحنا نعمل رد فعل للصهيونية ونلف في حلقة مفرغة، التوحش والكراهية دي لازم تقف دلوقت حالا لو ينفع
First: We need more languages other than Arabic and English.Second: Let's focus on one thing at a time. I know their crimes are countless, but let's start with Israel's last massacre. We need the whole world to see the pattern in all their crimes. We will demand that their leaders be tried for tyranny and genocide.Third: We want lots of pictures and videos, documents and official papers, to present the Palestinian cause since it first started in different languages until the whole world reads our message.Fourth: We want to formally ask the United Nations to issue a law to protect us Arabs and Muslims from Islamophobia and Arabphobia ... enough mockery and sarcasm. No one dares make such fun of ZionistsFifth: I learnt from my American friends that many of those who hate us - Arabs - have learnt the Machiavellian ways of self motivation via projecting hatred and anger towards a foreign entity. They hate us because their books said so but they do not know us because we are distant and unreachable. It is our role to set this right.Sixth: We will not follow their path. I do not want racist comments and posts. I want us to be smart and rational in how we present our cause. I do not want to repeat their mistakes and end up in a vicious circle of persecution.
انا دلوقت حالا حاطة هدف قدامي عايشة عشانه ان اسرائيل تختفي في ظرف عشر سنين، ومستعدة اعمل اي حاجة عشان هدفي ده يتحقق، ومش ح ينفع احققه لوحدي، كل الاهداف في بدايتها كانت مستحيلةبما في ذلك اسرائيل نفسها، كانت مستحيلة لدرجة ان الفلسطينيين والعرب قبل النكبة كانوا مش واخدين خوانة ولا مصدقين اصلا انها حاجة ممكن تحصلواهي حصلت، وانا مؤمنة اننا نقدر نرجع الوضع على ما كان عليه وده يبقى اسهل من مهمة الناس اللي خلقت وضع جديد، ودلوقت انا مش عايزة حاجة في حياتي غير كده اللي عايز يتشارك معايا في الحلم ده يتفضل، انا عندي الميل بتاعي اهو على المدونة، ويسيب تعليق هنا، يقول لي امكانياته، ومقترحاته، ح نبتديها بمدونة وربنا هو المستعان، ننظم افكارنا ووقتنا ومقترحاتنا، ومش عايزة واحد ولا واحدة هدفه اقل من مسح اسرائيل من على الخريطة .
Right now this is my foremost goal: Israel has to vanish in 10 years. I am willing to go to any measures to see my goal materialize but I cannot do it alone. All goals were impossible to achieve when they were just dreams - Israel itself was an impossible dream. We want to set things the way they were before Israel. If you want to be a part of my dream, you have my email on my blog, and you can leave your comments below my post and tell us what you could do and your suggestions. Let's start with a blog where we could organize our thoughts, time, and suggestions. I do not want any contributor who wants anything other than wiping Israel off the map.
Looking at the other side of the coin, The Elder of Ziyon is putting up a hard fight by exposing how Hamas knowingly put civilians at risk and how wounded Gazans are afraid to go to an Israeli hospital because of their fear of Hamas. Finding loopholes in Islamic laws, he writes about how Islamic Clerics turned the Saudi peace initiative into a joke, and how a Sheikh in Australia says that it is ok for a man to rape his wife. Raymond, who blogs at Jihad Watch, wrote about how Pakistani schools promote Jihad and hate and Bare Naked Islam wrote about how women in Afghanistan flee prefer being jailed to staying with their abusive husbands.
Quoting Obama, Nawara ended her post saying:
Yes we can
أيماء الى قررات الامانه العامه لمجلس الوزراء ونزولا على الموافقه الساميه لديوان رئاسة مجلس الوزراء وبالاطلاع على الموافقه رقم 8582 بتاريخ 23/5/1406 لمعالى وزير العدل والمشفوعه برأى اللجنه المشكله بأمر معاليه وفى مادتها الاولى فأن الشكوى الماثله شأنها شأن أى شكوى أخرى هى حق مكفول لكل شخص وعلى سمو وزير الداخليه ومعالى وزير العدل مباشرتها وأحالتها الى المحاكم المختصه لتقرير العقوبه التعزيريه وأحالة المدعو / عبد الرحمن البراك رئيس عمادة شؤون هيئة التدريس بجامعة الملك فيصل بالاحساء الى المحاكم المختصه نظرا لقيامه بالعديد من الاخطاء المهنيه والتقصيريه الجسيمه والتى ترقى الى حد الاختلاس وأهدار المال العام أهمها ماقام به وعلى نحو سافر من أهدار أموال الدوله والجامعه على أمور جلل لايقبلها مجتمعنا السعودى بأى حال من الاحوال خاصة الاعمال المصاحبه للاستضافه بالفنادق وأقامة وحضور الحفلات والمهرجنات والمؤتمرات داخل وخارج المملكه ومن ميزانية الدوله مع قيامه بالتكسب من خلال مهام وظيفته وبشتى الطرق مثل المتاجره وبيع تأشيرات هيئة التدريس بالخارج والتى وصلت الى ملايين الريالات وأهمها منحه لنفسه ومعاونيه وأتباعه العديد من بدلات الانتدابات الداخليه والخارجيه بطرق أحتياليه وبغير وجه حق مع تعارضها والتعميم رقم 11400 بتاريخ 14/5/1402 ومابعدها وكذا قررارات مجلس الخدمه المدنيه منذ 1/4/1400 وحتى تاريخه وتفرده دون الاخرين فى أختيار سياراته الممنوحه له من الجامعه مع عدم صلاحيته أصلا للوظيفه المعين عليها وتجاوزه المراتب الوظيفيه المخصصه لها بطرق مريبه نظرا لحداثة عمره وقلة خبرته وأضمحلال أمكانياته الوظيفيه والعلميه والعمليه والتجاوز وعدم التأكد من صحة الشهادات العلميه المقدمه منه كشهادة الدكتوراه المعتوره والمستحصل عليها بطرق أحتياليه من آمريكا عام 2005! والماجستير 2001 من بريطانيا العظمى ! أى بعد عام واحد فقط من أبتعاثه على نفقة الدوله أيضا لتعلم مبادىء اللغه الانجليزيه من مدرسة سانت دياجو بأمريكا لتعليم المعاقين ذهنيا ! والتى لاتساوى حتى ماكتبت به من مداد ! وأفساده للعديد من رؤساء وأعضاء الملحقيات السعوديه بالخارج – بحكم وظيفته - وتهديده لهم وتجنيد العديد منهم لارسال رسائل وشكاوى كيديه ضد المتعاقدين من أعضاء هيئة التدريس والقادمين من بلادهم للرضوخ لطلباته خاصة مع السيدات منهن وهو صدامى السلوك مع أقتران ذلك بعنف وسلوك عدوانى مريض لاتخطئه العين ومجاملته للعديد من أعضاء هيئة التدريس السعوديون على حساب الامن القومى للمملكه العربيه السعوديه كتعيين أصحاب الفكر الممجوج وأعضاء الجماعات الاصوليه والسلفيه ذات الفكر السياسى الرافض لسياسة المملكه بالجامعه وهم المحيطين به حيث يعدون بطانته مع تعضيده لهم والسكوت عليهم وأخفاء نشاطهم الهدام أمثال / أبراهيم الحواس وغيره ممن يدينون بالولاء لبن لادن والقاعده وممن تذخر السجون والمعتقلات باشقاءهم واقاربهم وكذا ببعض العناصر المتطرفه والبؤر الساكنه الخطره بكل من كليات التربيه والزراعه الخ وعمداء الهيئات الاداريه والاكاديميه بالجامعه متجاهلا كافة الاوامر والتعاميم السريه وغير السريه الامنيه الصادره بهذا الخصوص كما أن هناك العديد من المخالفات والتى ترقى الى حد السقوط فى العديد من جرائم السطو على المال العام وتخريب مرفق تعليمى وثقافى كبير وتعطيل مسيرة جامعة الملك فيصل لاكثر من عشرون عاما والتربح من خلال مهام الوظيفه وأرتكاب أخطاء مهنيه وتقصيريه وأمنيه كبيره كما أن هناك العديد من أتباع وأمثال / عبد الرحمن البراك خاصة وأن للجامعه فروع داخليه وخارجيه عديده الى جانب السقوط فى أهدار كرامة وكبرياء وسمعة الجامعه والدوله بكافة الوسائل والصور لدرجة وجود قصور للاقامه والضيافه داخل حرم الجامعه ! وميزانيه تكلف خزينة الدوله مئات المليارات من الريالات ! وهى سابقه خطيره لم تشهدها أى من الجامعات بالعالم أجمع و لو أن ذلك حدث ببلد كالصين لقطعوا السنتهم وأيديهم وسلخوا جلودهم والقوهم للكلاب تنهشهم بميدان النصر الشهير بقلب " بكين" ولو طبقت عليهم الشريعه الاسلاميه لقطعوا أيديهم وأرجلهم من خلاف كما جاء بالقرآن وسحلوهم بعد نفيهم وسجنهم ولن يبقى الله عليهم طويلا فأمثالهم لايبقى لهم الا القبر أو عذاب الضمير فالناس صنفان أحياء وهم موتى على الارض وآخرين وهم موتى ولكن فى بطن الارض أحياء . والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته والله من وراء القصد ,,,,,,
ReplyDeleteعبد العزيز آل ملحم
Well, I believe that the only reason we are still, as Arabs, on war with Israel is that we couldn't accept the fact that it exists regardless we acknowledge it or not.
ReplyDeleteFacing the the Zionist bloggers army is one thing. Because we have to defend our ideology. But the calls to extinguish Israel is completely another thing. Because we can't. Israel was a by-product for the British colonization of the region. Other countries also are. The whole region was re-mapped when the Brits decided to go back home.
I believe that we should be more accurate with our terminology. We can't start our fight by saying we will remove Israel from the map because if we really can we would have prevented it from being in the 1st place. The very idea of extinguishing Israel is the same idea that Israel is using as a defense. They are putting themselves in the victim corner while they are not just because we can't let go the idea that we can seize their existance.
I believe that if we want to help our cause the 1st thing we should do is to acknowledge that there is Israel and that we have to live with it. 60yrs or 600yrs it won't really make a difference. Because there are two types of problems, one that has a solution hence it is not a problem in the 1st place or the type that doesn't have a solution and this is a fact that we have to adapt to.
I believe Israel is of the 2nd type.
نوارة العزيزة،
ReplyDeleteانا بارحب برغبتك في مواجهة تجمع المدونين للدفاع عن الصهيونية. وده عمل ايجابي لتفنيد مواقفهم العنصرية والعدوانية والتوسعية وغيره... بس انا ضد فكرتك ان الهدف هو "ازالة اسرائيل من علي الخريطة"، لان هو ده بالظبط العنصر اللي بتقوم عليه دعايتهم كلها واللي بيحقق لهم تعاطف العالم كله معاهم. ان العرب عايزين يمحونا من الوجود. وده كلام غير عقلاني وحيقوم الدنيا علينا اكتر كمان وحياكد المبرر اللي هما بيستخدموه. حتي لو كان في داخلنا بنتمني ان الناس دي تختفي بقي والعالم يستريح من بلاويهم. بس التصريح بالرغبة دي شئ سلبي وبيخدمهم علي المستوي الاعلامي ويحقق لهم تعاطف اكبر ويظهر للعالم ان احنا يا عرب اللي عنصريين ودمويين وخلافه. فيا ريت الدعوة تكون للقضاء علي التطرف الصهيوني والدعوة الي التعايش بين الاعراق والديانات زي ما كان الحال زمان.
What is this about fighting or conter-fighting the new Jewish army of bloggers and eradicating Israel from the face of the earth in 10 years?
ReplyDeleteWhat is this sort of thinking? You cannot even fight the bloggers let alone advocating the eradication of Israel. I am glad the post was rejected.
As an Arab who left islam to become an agnostic, I would rather live in Israel and fight the arabs than live under the scorn and deceit of my compatriotes. If they want to call me zionist pig or a fifth column soldiers, so be it...
Nawara Negm you are a joke. You say you don't want any racist remarks on your blog but you are racist yourself. You call Israelis Nazis, but by calling for the eradication of Jews and wiping Israel of the map you are the Nazi. You call Israelis occupiers, while the real occuppiers are the Arabs, who have been occupying Israel and stealing land from the Jews for the last 1,400 years, hence they are the longest occupiers in history. But their occupation doesn't end with Israel. The Arabs also stole N. Sudan from the Africans and are commiting genoside there; they stole N. Africa from the Berbers and are oppressing them; they stole Egypt from the Copts and are committing terrible crimes against them; the Arabs also stole Lebanon from the Maronites and Syria and Iraq from the Assyrians. Not to mention the dozens of lands occupied by non-Arab Muslims. Since the list is long I won't go into it here. So I ask who are these Arabs and where did they come from?
ReplyDeleteThough we share the same opinion regarding what Nawara suggested in her article. Yet I would like to point out that your tone isn't that different from hers. In the time her hate is focused towards Israel your hate is directed towards the Arabs.
History explains many of the misstatements you used to attack Arabs. Though I am not an Arabism fan yet I am not a fan of hate or twisting facts.
I am not against Israel’s right to exist. But this existence should never be reasoned by a historical claim to the land. The Arabs didn’t steal Israeli lands. The people existed in the land called Palestine now, were sons of Jacob (Israel) which is a historical fact that no one can deny and I am not going to get through the religion talk of who said Jacob was Jewish ...etc because whether he was Jewish or not there are no proof that the current Jews are related to those Jews. The whole Ashkenazi for instance are Europeans so, by all means they can’t claim they are the heirs of Israel unless religion is a gene.
Plus, the last time this land was ruled by a Jewish state was before they were shipped to Babel.
Egypt, Iraq and Syria were successively ruled by the powers of the old world. The Fertile Crescent was the place to be. Pharaohs ruled it, Greeks ruled it, and so did Romans. Arabs happened to another power. So, no they didn’t steal the land. They just did what others do. They were an emerging power that conquered the old dying ones. There were no international laws against occupation or colonization. The laws protecting countries’ borders and existence are new. These laws were born after the WWI. So you can’t just frame the Arabs as thieves because they are not.
And if that matters neither are Muslims as you added the other lands occupied by the Non Arab Muslims. I can’t see your point mixing Muslims and Arabs and then putting them in a sentence that compares them to the Israeli state. It is like comparing spaceships to oranges. The Israeli state is something happening right now, under the current world rules while the Islamic state was something that happened in the past. There were different rules.
No one can blame Great Britain for occupying most of the world because back then it was the thing to do. Brits had colonies everywhere, so did the French, the Spanish, and the Portuguese. Even the Dutch had their places. What they did is a crime now but wasn’t a crime then.
So, the spaceship and oranges comparison won’t work.
Your last question about the Arabs and where did they come from. Actually they came from two of the most ancient civilizations, the one in Iraq and the one in Yemen. Tribes left Yemen and Iraq and settled in Arabia. As they lived in the desert they had multiple fights over resources and were happy fighting till finally they found a way to jump on top of the world. Whether you would like to call the state that ruled the world at that time Arabic or Islamic it is still a fact that they had what it takes at that time. So, chill out! Apparently they are not on top of things these days.
I hate to bring this here but Coptic isn’t a religion. The word Copt is and Arabic adaptation for the Greek word for Egypt. So, Copts are the Egyptians not the Egyptian Christians as it is used these days. And the Egyptians are those who live in Egypt.
At the time the Arab added Egypt to their empire the Egyptians were a mix of many races and still they are.
There is no “Pure” race in Egypt, Egyptians are a pure “Mix”.
Shimaa Gamal your post is full of errors. First, Jews have always, I repeat always, lived in "Palestine". The Samaritan Jews (with their holy city of Nablus) have been living there for the last 3,000 years, they never went into exile. The Jews of Peki'in (a town in northern Israel) have been living there for the last 2,000 years. The Jews of Safed (another town in northern Israel) have been living there since the Middle Ages. And finally Jews have been migrating to Israel, in varying numbers, for the last 1,000 years. When the Arabs conquered Israel in the 7th century there were Jews here and they were the majority until the Crusades.
ReplyDeleteGenetic research has showed that today's Jews, weather European or other, are indeed descendents of the ancient Jews. European Jews have as much right to live in their homeland Israel just as European Arabs have a right to live in their homelands.
Your attempt to whitewash crimes commited by Muslims in the past and in the present won't work. Stealing other peoples lands and commiting genocide against them (as Muslims are doing to the Jews and Christians of the Middle East) is a crime no matter when it happened. If, lets say, there were no international laws during the Holocaust, does that mean the the Holocaust wasen't a crime?
You said that some Arabs originated from Iraq. That's not true. All Arabs originated from Arabia. The Assyrians are the indeginous people of Iraq, not the Arabs.
You said that the last time Jews had independence in Israel was before the Babylonian Exile. That's false too. The last time Jews had independence was during Roman rule, where they had some form of autonomy.
You say that today Muslims don't occupy any lands. That's really funny, since everyone knows that Turkey occupies northern Cyprus, that the Arabs occupy northern Sudan, that Indonesia occupies Papua New Guinea and East Timore, that Iran occupies parts of Kurdistan (and so does Iraq), Armenia, Azerbaijan and three islands in the Straits of Hormuz belonging to the UAE, etc etc.
You can try and twist the word Copt as much as you like, but the truth of the matter is that Copts are non-Arab Christians, descendent from the ancient Egyptians, hence they are the indeginous people of Egypt.
ReplyDeleteFirst my post isn’t full of errors, yours is. It is expected that you see I am mistaken because I am stating facts that you don’t agree with.
I will try to answer everything you mentioned in your comment.
About the Copts who are non-Arab Christians. Again Copts is a word that Arabs used to describe Egyptians. They used it to describe the mix of Egyptians back then. Egyptians were a mix of native Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Persians and God knows what else. Egypt was ruled by many super powers. Seriously, no one can ever claim a pure race in Egypt. Those who came to Egypt never left. Cleopatra is celebrated as an Egyptian queen, she lived and died Egyptian in the time she was Greek.
It will be unfair to suggest that none of the Egyptians followed Islam because the truth is they did. The same way some of the Egyptians followed Christianity. You would love to deny it but it is a truth. It will be unfair too to suggest that there were no Christian Arabs because again there were Arab Christian kingdoms. The Arabs weren’t all Muslims, and the Arabs weren’t all praying for Ellat and the other idols. There were also Jewish Arabs. All those Arabs came to Egypt, so Egyptian Christians aren’t all from the Copts.
Just to make things clear. I am Egyptian and I won’t make anyone deprive me of the full right to this land because I am a Muslim. Islam isn’t a nationality. And religion hatred isn’t a language that I speak. I am a Copt. I look like the pictures on the Egyptian Temples. So, unless you can prove that my Tut like chin and my Nefertiti eyes are not Egyptian. I will hold on my position.
About what you thought is funny comment that there are no non- Arabic Muslim occupations of countries nowadays. I believe that your examples are funny. Turkey isn’t a Muslim state :) Ata-Turk made sure to declare a secular state just to prevent such a thing like charging his country of the crime of being Islamic. He was a man with a vision. You can’t call a country Islamic country because the majority is Muslims. Else soon enough we will have to call the USA the Islamic state of USA because Muslims are increasing in size and one day they will be the majority.
All the other examples you gave aren’t examples of Islamic occupation of lands. In many cases if you really want to label it as Islamic occupation so it will be Muslims occupying other Muslims lands. The Iranian occupation of U.A.E islands is one example. The Kurds are in the majority Muslims, even the Famous Salah El Deen the hero Arabs use as an icon was a Kurd.
So, according to your classification all these will be Islamic internal problems … LOL. There is no such a thing like Islamic internal problems because we are too past the Islamic state ruling the world time. The last known Islamic state was declared dead after the WWI when the Ottoman Empire rested in peace. The division of that empire between the world forces is what caused most of the territory conflicts you mentioned. The British occupation and French occupations worsened the case. Under their occupation borders weren’t an issue. It was only when they decided to leave when things went bad. They created new states. Jordan for instance wasn’t a state before the Brits decided to create it. Israel too was created as they decided to get back to fog.
Sudan was part of Egypt for God’s sake and Nasser gave them the right to independence. Sudanese people are a mix of races. It is not an Arabic occupation. It is coexistence between fellow citizens. Now, they want independence based on a race. Good for them. It seems like racism is the thing to do these days.
Muslims are doing genocide crimes against Christians and Jews in the Middle East? Seriously? You believe that? Do you live in the Middle East? Do you really believe it is about RELIGION? Seriously? And the Muslims killing Muslims does this fall under the genocide crimes? And Israeli massacres does they fall under the Muslim genocide crimes?
Again, religion hatred isn’t a language that I speak. So, if you just tried to get past the Muslims are Barbarians barrier you might see that it is really nothing about religion. It is all power and politics. It has always been and it will always be.
Now you are again comparing spaceships to oranges. Judaism is a religion. Arabic is an ethic group. A religion is followed by different ethic groups. Not all the Jews are Semitic. Only the Sephardim are. The Ashkenazi is from Slavic origins. The Ethiopians are from a different ethnic group and so on. I don’t think that there will be a scientific research proving that all those ethnic groups are the same unless again religion is a gene. And if there is a research as you say it is a scam.
So, the sentence you used “European Jews have as much right to live in their homeland Israel just as European Arabs have a right to live in their homelands” can never be correct.
As for the history of the Jewish state, I am glade to tell you that the Jewish state/ states (because it split as you might know) only nourished when the major powers were at their weakest forms. Else the Jews were happily ruled by the powers of their time. Some of these powers were so strict about the mere existence of the Jews and shipped them to where they can control them and some leaved them live in peace. They were sure the majority back then because there were no other Divine religions. Then Jesus came and they cheered “crucify him” to their Roman Ruler in a hope to get rid of the new Divine rules that will out shine theirs. But Christianity made it. And then the Romans had to fight the new religion not out of religious reasons as it seemed to be but because that new religion was endangering their power. And no one would hear of Jewish claims until Mr. Hertzil came up with that brilliant idea of putting all the Jewish people in a large ghetto called Israel and because many would be happy getting rid of their Jewish neighbors the idea was a best seller.
The historical fact is, Jews weren’t the majority when Israel was created. They might have been the majority at a point of time. They might have ruled their state at a point of time. But so did the Egyptians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans and the Arabs. Can Italians claim historical rights to rule Egypt? Can Egyptians claim historical rights to rule Iraq? Can Turkey claim historical rights to rule the Middle East and parts of Europe? I don’t think this is possible.
But in Israel’s case they managed to lay both feet on a land that they had no right to claim. Israel is a fact that can’t be supported by historical claims unless we declare it is rightful for everyone to do the same. Yet, I support the existence of Israel out of being practical and kind hearted. But I won’t happily twist facts to support it. Because again twisting facts never helps it worsens the case.
As for the historical crimes, let me clear one point. The holocaust is viewed as a huge crime only because Hitler was defeated in that war. There were other crimes committed by the allied forces and they were all considered necessarily procedures to win the war. I don’t think nuking Japan was necessary. It was a crime as big as the holocaust or even bigger yet it is not viewed with the same eyes. People will call it a crime but they can live with it. Only the holocaust is unforgiveable.
Muslims on the other hand didn’t commit crimes of the size of Holocaust. But they were the winners back then and it was cool to live with these crimes, if we assumed there were crimes. Now people can dig these crimes out of graves out of, again, religion hatred speech. This is a tune that many will happily dance to, a tune that won’t do anyone any good, a tune that will never change any historical facts. Muslims ruled and then they lost their empire to another power. C’est la vie.
Finally the Arabs came from both Iraq and Yemen when the civilization in Yemen collapsed with their Dam and in between civilizations ruling Iraq. Arabia was actually a desert with no inhabitants. Their inhabitants came from other places after the ZamZam well.
I would recommend that you diversify your sources of information. Be open to the other opinion. I was once against the existence of Israel just like Nawara but because I was open to ideas I realized that coexistence could be possible. And they have a case that doesn’t need the whole false historical claims.
Hate won’t do anyone any good.
Since when discrimination was the right thing to do?