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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

:: MarwaRakha :: - مجلة احنا - E7na 27

:: MarwaRakha :: - مجلة احنا - E7na 27

من كتابى الجديد ... الدنيا خيارة

انا زوجة تانية

:: MarwaRakha :: - WHAT WOMEN WANT - Dear MAN - The End

:: MarwaRakha :: - WHAT WOMEN WANT - Dear MAN - The End

You are
a windmill where I blow
in my energy you shall glow
breathe me; die or grow

Feel me
pushing underneath your wings
giving you speed and strength
flying you in fantasies and beyond

:: MarwaRakha :: - CAMPUS - For the fear of God

:: MarwaRakha :: - CAMPUS - For the fear of God

The World is coming to an End
What will you do if you knew that 21 December, 2012 is THE last day?

A friend of mine made me watch the trailer of a movie called 2012 that is to be released soon. I am not a big fan of disaster movies but the trailer of that particular movie got my attention. The plot is based on the Mayan Calendar that predicts that 21 December, 2012 is the end of time. (If you do not know what I am on about, Google 2021 phenomenon)

:: MarwaRakha :: - Interviews - Multi-talented woman: articles, novel and TV shows (In)sight Magazine

:: MarwaRakha :: - Interviews - Multi-talented woman: articles, novel and TV shows (In)sight Magazine

I do not want to change Egypt. I cannot change Egypt. I just want people to question every single word they have been told, every single thought, every belief, every taboo, every word they say, and every feeling they experience. It is funny how most of the things we say do not really reflect how we truly think and how most of our feelings are a mere expression of how people expect us to react!

and more http://www.marwarakha.com/index.php?categoryid=15&p2_articleid=897

مش عايزة حد يسأل السؤال دا تانى

:: MarwaRakha :: - www.horytna.net - What do I Love about you? Episode 57 (Arabic Radio)

عايز تعرف تلفت نظرها؟
عايز تعرف هى معجبة و لا لأ؟
عايزة تعرفى هو بيفكر ازاى؟

Egyptian Fe-Mail ... from fear to activism

1. At what point did you know you wanted to become a writer?

I have always known that I am more comfortable communicating in written words as opposed to verbal or non verbal communication but the first time I knew that writing for me is more than just self-expression was in March 2005 when my first article was published in Egypt's Insight. Seeing my pain and anger in print made my wounds heal - I never stopped writing since then.

2. I hear you were a bit of a rebel when you were younger. What aspects of Egyptian traditions did you find hard to accept about the equality of sex?

I still am a rebel I am not pro gender equality because it is not possible; men and women were created differently, they function differently, and they can never be equal in that sense. I advocate equality in rights; women are no longer killed at birth but they might as well be considered dead. A little girl is "owned" by her father, brother, uncles, or any male in the family regardless of how competent he is, and she only aspires to become the cherished property of another man she calls husband. Most girls are circumcised physically or mentally or both, they are denied the right to date, choose, make mistakes, learn from their mistakes, grow, and explore their real potential. I realize how close I was to being one of "those" girls!

3. You question the world, yourself, traditions a great deal. Were you brought up by strong minded and influential parents?

No I was brought up in a conservative middle class family that preached the virtue of being a "good girl", the beauty of hypocrisy in the name of decorum, and the 10 commandments of submission, denial, and double standards.
I never understood it, could never accept "the rules", and was miraculously saved when my father immigrated to the US in 1993. I stumbled, fell, got hurt, and died a million times until I finally came to terms with how "odd" I am in 2005.

4. What made you decide to suddenly speak up? Can you take us through the steps from being a shy girl to a confident speaker?

It hurt too much; being different tore me to pieces. I used to consciously stop any line of thoughts because I did not know where the thoughts came from. I was not sure if I was insane or possessed. I kept bottling in those "weird thoughts" and "forbidden questions" until I could no longer take it. That was when Jenny was born. I was too weak, too scared, and too intimidated to allow Marwa to be.

Jenny gave me the voice that I lacked, the confidence that I craved, and the sanity that I almost lost trying to fit in a sick society. In January 2007 Marwa embraced Jenny and we became one. Suddenly I no longer cared who thought what of my ideas. I am who I am and I am true to myself. I do not lie, cheat, fake, or pretend to be someone that I am not. I realized that I do not need to fit in and that I enjoy the company of my cats more than being around people who made me sick with their games and manipulation. Surprisingly enough, when I accepted who I am people accepted me and I began attracting people who think like me.

Read More: http://www.marwarakha.com/index.php?categoryid=15&p2_articleid=897

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Update: Against Abusive Publishers in Egypt - تحديث: ضد دور النشر المستغلة فى مصر

Update: Against Abusive Publishers in Egypt - تحديث: ضد دور النشر المستغلة فى مصر

Egypt's Free E-Book Publishing - by Raghda Salama for Bikya Masr

دور النشر المسيئة فى مصر - حوار مها العنانى للقاهرة

النشر الورقى او النشر الالكترونى - اخبار الأدب

الكاتب كناشر إلكترونى - الكتاب مقروءاً ومسموعاً - أحمد ناجى لأخبار الأدب


كتبت رحاب لؤى لروزاليوسف

مافيا دور النشر الجديدة تصطاد ضحاياها بالإنترنت.. والتعاقد علي الفيس بوك


أوعى تعمل ميت - كتبها محمد رجب ل
my Egypt

Book publishing in Egypt: ‘The system here doesn't follow any system' - By Sarah Carr / Daily News Egypt

مروة رخا: مش هحط رقبتى تحت جزمة ناشر - كتبت سارة علام لليوم السابع

انهم لا يحترمون الكتاب - كتب مصطفى فتحى لراديو حريتنا

كتبت ايمان هاشم عن النشر الالكترونى و دور النشر المستغلة

ضد سطوة الناشر و دور النشر - كتبت هبة عفيفى للمصرى اليوم

مبادرة "عزيزى الكاتب الملطشة " ضد دور النشر المستغلة - كتب وجدى الكومى لليوم السابع

ثورة الكتاب على الناشرين - كتبت عزة مغازى للأهرام المسائى

كتاب الأوديو أخر صيحات التسويق - كتبت سارة علام لليوم السابع

أول كتاب أدبى مسجل فى مصر - كتبت شيماء الجمال لجريدة عين

Campaign Against Abusive publishers in Egypt - Marwa Rakha for Global Voices Online

كتب محمد حمدى

ضد دور النشر المصرية - مروة رخا لمجلة احنا

كتبت مروة رخا لمجلة بحلقة - هل انت غراب

كتبت مروة رخا - عزيزى الكاتب الملطشة

Dear Abused Writer - Marwa Rakha

الفرق بين الناشر المحترم و المطبعجى و الناشر المصرى

لقاء مروة رخا فى صباح الخير يا مصر و حملة عزيزى الكاتب الملطشة

Marwa Rakha on Nile TV and Campaign against abusive publishers in Egypt

تقرير مها الجمل للـ بى بى سى




تم نشر

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امرأة لا أحب ان ألقاها

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الباب المغلق بين الأقباط و المسلمين

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سقط سهوا

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حمل كتاب تامر عمران مجانا
رسالة إلى الجن

حمل كتاب تابو البكارة مجانا
تجميع مراد حسنى

حمل كتاب د. أحمد بكرى سليم مجانا
كفاية! (قصة فيلم مصرى) لأحمد بكرى سليم

حمل كتاب سارة العطار مجانا
كيف تشجع نفسك على خسارة وزنك؟

Dr. Jessica - The Center for Discovery
Discover your best at any age

حمل كتاب سعيد عبد الله الدوسري مجانا - اول كتابى من السعودية
و قال الثعلب
حكايات رمزية للكبار و الصغار

حمل كتاب أزار غزلان مجانا - اول كتابى من المغرب
وجع الكلمات
تصميم الغلاف: حاتم عرفة

حمل كتاب ميادة مدحت مجانا

حمل كتاب أحمد ناجى (مؤلف رواية روجرز) مجانا
سبع دروس
مستقاه من أحمد مكى

حمل كتاب نادين يوسف مجانا
جلسات نفسية

حمل كتاب محمد سامى البوهى الثانى مجانا
رائحة الخشب

حمل كتاب وهم الإله لريتشارد داوكينز مجانا
ترجمه إلى اللغة العربية بسام البغدادى

حمل كتاب مصطفى حسين مجانا
الخلود البشرى

حمل كتاب أسامة الشاذلى مجانا
سيد الأحلام

حمل كتاب مصطفى محمد مجانا
سوسة مصر

حمل كتاب رحاب المليحى مجانا
حوبا الأروبة

Download Mohamed Farouk's Contradictions in Lively Reflections

Lynda Renham: Crown of Thorns ... my second author from the UK

حمل كتاب عادل شعبان مجانا
جزيرة الحب

حمل كتاب محمد العرفى الأول مجانا
حديث جانبى

حمل كتاب محمد العرفى الثانى مجانا
كلام الليل

حمل احمد رمضان - مؤلف آريا - مجانا
محاولات تجاوز - مجموعة قصصية

حمل كتاب طارق حسن رفعت الثانى مجانا
مغامرات برقوق فى بلاد فركوك

حمل كتاب نشوى ناجى مجانا
كلمات نشوى ناجى

حمل كتاب أيمن شوقى الأول مجانا
أهداب الخيانة

حمل كتاب أيمن شوقى الثانى مجانا
مرآة الضياع

حمل كتاب ياسمين مدكور مجانا
كى لا أراك

حمل كتاب زينا مدحت الأول مجانا
المعشقة السوداء

حمل كتاب زينا مدحت الثانى مجانا
مرايا على الطريق

Download for free: Alex Jenson's The Serotonin Grand Prix ... my first author from the UK

حمل كتاب ابراهيم المحلاوى مجانا
قمر العشق الالهى

حمل كتاب طارق حسن رفعت مجانا
للماضى لون آخر

حمل كتاب محمد سامى البوهى مجانا
لوزات الجليد

Download Marwa Rakha's Book for free
The Poison Tree - planted & grown in Egypt