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Sunday, January 27, 2008

حبيبى ... أنت لست رجلا

تسألنى دائما عن سبب حبى لك
تسألنى لماذا اخترتك من بين الجميع
تريد أن تعرف لما احتضنتك عندما نبذت كل الرجال
أجبتك ... و
فنهرتنى ... و
وتركتنى ... و
أول مرة لا تفهم ألغازى يا حبيبى! و
أكررها ... و
أكرر كلامى ... و
نعم أحبك لأنك لست رجلا!! و

لست انانى ككل الرجال
لست كاذب أو خائن مثلهم
لست رجل يبارى الرجال صولاتهم و جولاتهم فى عالم النساء
لست رجل اعمته فحولته عن آدميته
لست رجل اغوته امرأة فسلبته رجولته
لست رجل بخل على بحبه فقطرت عليه حبى
لست رجل اثقل الصمت جدرانه حتى هجرته

ثقتك بى لا تعكس حبى قدر ما تعكس ثقتك بنفسك
تواضعك رفعك درجات فوق درجات حتى اسكنتك قلبى
اعلنت احتياجك لى فملكتنى
حبى زادك فخرا فزدتك فوق الحب حب
سجدت فى محرابى المقدس فعبدتك
لماذا تريدنى ان اجمعك وسط رجال؟
كم كرهت هذه الصفة
كيف تتساوى مع من لا يفهم و لا يشعر و لا يعرف؟
تهاب قوة مشاعرى؟
أنا البتول فى حبك! و
تخشى انكسار قلبى عند رحيلك؟
لا يا حبيبى ... تذكر ... انت لست رجلا


HeNaWy said...

this is some very nice meanings but i dont know looks like that we got mixed up these days , i thought this is what man should be but now this will be called weakness or somthing , Mohamed

Anonymous said...

great poem. I was actually thinking the other day that I could never be involved with a man with too big an ego...it would drive me crazy. I think most women prefer someone who is not the sterotypical macho man

Marwa Rakha said...

Yes Mohamed ... we ARE mixed up ... everything is.

Thanks Arima:) BTW .. I would love to meet you when you are in Cairo

Anonymous said...

Loved it... The language used got through right to my heart...

Anonymous said...

This one is “the one”. . i mean you have to have to be in love with someone like that to be able to understand this . . I know I am. . If men only knew that they can let their useless fake fronts down, that it is ok actually, that it is a sign of being human and that there is nothing wrong with that . .You should run for an Oscar of poetry for that one. . Great one..

Marwa Rakha said...

Oh Hana .. that one went sour .. shortly after I wrote that poem in celebration of my perfect man ... he was somehow offended and decided to prove to me that he was a man so he did the exact opposite of everything in that poem .. alas:)