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Friday, February 15, 2008

Part 2 - What goes on in a man's head?

Man: She is sweet

His Head: There is always sweeter ... check out her friends

Man: She is also cute

His Head: Cute? She is too fat/skinny/dark/fair/tall/short ... naaaah ... she is so not your style ... check out her friends

Man: But she is smart .. rare these days

His Head: Smart? Because she quoted a few writers, read a few books, held a few arguments, had some opinions ... come on ... you can do better!

Man: She is so natural and spontaneous

His Head: You mean too wild/ not wild enough? Too tame/ not tame enough? Too blunt/not blunt enough? Too eager to please you/ not eager enough? ... check out her friends on facebook

Man: I do not want her friends .. I want her!

His Head: You want to settle for less when you can have more? Now look me in the eye and tell me that you like her that much!

Man: Well ... it was just a few dates/chats

His Head: Then you keep her at an arm's length as you explore greener pasturesMan: Yeah .. this is the ultimate win-win situation; I win and you win .. hahahahaha .... ahhhhahahahahahaha ... heeeeheeeeeheeee


HeNaWy said...

u know marwa sometimes i think u're writing your own story not just your point of view...the bad thing is ....its totaly right :(

HeNaWy said...

You know what i think that the only exception for men was forrest gump hehe
i never knew why jenny left him really

Marwa Rakha said...

Hi again lonely man ... nop .. I am not writing my own story .. I am not writing my point of view .... get ready for a mega confession ......

I am writing how I think .. it just happens to be the same way men think ...

Forrest Gump? Jenny left him because she wanted to run .. she needed to fly .. please God make me a bird so I can fly away .. guess this is what she always wanted

HeNaWy said...

hehe if you think this way then men startegy is at big risk.lol..god help us hehe hope you dont teach the rest of women hehe
for jenny yes she wanted to fly but that when she was a little girl what makes her leave him when they grow up? everytime i watch the movie i always think about it and never come to an answer...in fact forrest's love is the only true love a man can give to a woman really...yet he was dumped !!